WSL2: Linux on Windows 10With this post we are talk about WSL2, Linux on Windows, Windows Terminal and moreJan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Android and SonarQube with code coverageWith this post we are going to walkthrough how to setup SonarQube with code coverage for a Android project.Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
How to parse JSON in Android?Always having troubles when you want to JSON in Android. How I download the .json file from the internet? How can i parse the JSON?Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
AdMob and pre-launch reportsOver the past years multiple posts are created to highlight issues with AdMob in combination with the pre-launch reports for the Google…Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Google Play: In-App reviewApp publishers are always searching for better ways to improve get user feedback and collect 5 star reviews. Every day the Android users…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
Most used Android Debug Bridge (adb) commandsBefore you can start developing for Android, the Android SDK is required. One of the tools provided within the Android SDK is the Android…Sep 27, 2019Sep 27, 2019
Android-x86 virtual machine configuration tipsAndroid-x86 virtual machine configuration tipsApr 19, 2019Apr 19, 2019
ListAdapter renewedEvery Android developer has worked with the RecyclerView when a list of content needs to be shown. Before the RecyclerView Android offered…Mar 22, 2019Mar 22, 2019
Road to App Bundle and BundletoolGoogle is actively trying decrease the sizes of apks, first with Multiple APK support. But this was not really a success as most developer…Mar 15, 2019Mar 15, 2019