Google Play: In-App review
App publishers are always searching for better ways to improve get user feedback and collect 5 star reviews. Every day the Android users rate millions of apps, but how can you get those Android users to rate you’re app?
App developers can create a button “Rate me”, which links towards the Google Play store. This process is fine, but its navigates the user away from the app and into the Google Play store. To prevent this app switch Google has developed a new In-App Review API. This In-App Review flow creates an overlay within the app where the user can leave his review quick and fast.

How to implement the In-App Review API?
The In-App Review API is listed within Play Core library, add the package as a dependency.
After syncing the Android project you can use below example class to implement the In-App Review.
The ReviewManagerFactory is used to create a ReviewManager, when from the ReviewManager the requestReviewFlow() method is called the API is going to request the review flow.
On the background data is loaded and prepared by the API. Upon complete the method addOnCompleteListener() is called. When the response isSuccessful(), the ReviewManager is ready to call launchReviewFlow(activity, reviewInfo). This last call shows a Google Play Overlay over the app, which allows the user to rate youre App!

Tips / Tricks
What is the best moment to show the In-App review?
The best moment is for every app unique, for an informational app this can be after the user have used the app for multiple time. For a game this moment can be after the user finished a gameplay level or reached a new personal high-score. The best rating are created when the user is happy, try to search and tweak the best moment within the app.
We are looking forward to see within which apps you are going to execute this In-App Review. Feel free to share a link in the comments!

With this guideline everybody can implement the In-App review flow of Google Play!
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Originally published at on October 2, 2020.